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Where do I go from here?
Wondering where you go from here?
Where do I go from here? That’s the question in your mind now, isn’t it? You reviewed countless websites, blogs, and books. You had long talks with people you know who have gone through a divorce. But you are still wondering: Where do I go from here?
If you made it to this point, you might believe it is time to retain a lawyer for your coming divorce.
Are you ready to talk to an experienced divorce attorney to learn what needs to happen next? If so, get in touch with us now. You can reach us at 513-443-8850 or email us at [email protected] to schedule a free consultation at one of our convenient offices near most Ohio courthouses in greater Cincinnati. CONTACT US
Where do I go from here?
You know what is probably going to happen next: A divorce is being filed.
You know that either you are going to file it or your spouse is going to file it. Either way, it’s happening soon; probably really soon.
You are served with a divorce complaint.
If your spouse files the divorce first, the divorce complaint will be filed in a county’s domestic relations court. It will likely arrive by mail or personal delivery - possibly even from the county sheriff - at your home or your office.
You feel unsteady.
The complaint throws you off balance. You feel unsteady. You were expecting this; but when it actually happens, it sure doesn’t feel like you were expecting this.
You feel unsteady, unsure, and uncertain. You feel like you don’t know what is going to happen next. You have a hard time sleeping at night because you keep thinking about all the “what ifs…” The only thing you know for sure is that your mind is going in a lot of directions at once.
First, you think about things before the courtroom. You are thinking about your kids, your 401(k), your life. You are wondering how you can ever live by yourself; or maybe, just where you can live. You are thinking about what everyone else is going to think. You are thinking about what will happen during holidays, vacations, and summer breaks with the kids.
Next, you start thinking about court. Who can file a divorce? Are there rules that judges use to make decisions? Can we do this in private or does the whole world see our married life?
Then, you start thinking about what will be taken from you. Will you lose your house? Will you lose your retirement? Will you have to take on all of the debt? Will you pay spousal support and child support? Will your spouse pay you? Should anyone be paying?
And, finally, you start thinking about life after the divorce. When can you date? Should you? Can you change insurance coverage? Can you appoint new beneficiaries?
You don’t know enough about this process. You feel unsteady and it scares you. You want someone to help you figure out where you go from here because all of the websites and rumors from well-meaning friends only make this process more confusing.
Where do you go from here?
You are a confident person. You can handle anything life throws your way. It’s the way you have always been.
If you just knew a little more about divorces, you would not feel quite so unsteady. You just need some information to get started.
You need to decide whether to go this alone or “lawyer up.”
You could handle this divorce on your own.
You want to handle this on your own. You hate sharing details about your personal life with some lawyer you just found on the internet.
Plus, couldn’t hiring your own lawyer make things worse? What if your lawyer expects you to fight instead of settling for what your spouse offers?
And, aren’t good lawyers expensive? You don’t want to spend your hard-earned money on a lawyer.
And finding a good one takes so much work. It seems like all you see are lawyers offering $495 divorces on bus stops or stories from your friends about the tens of thousands that their lawyer cost.
You’re smart and you’re pretty sure you can figure this out if you just find one more good book on divorces. You wonder how tough can it be to figure out a divorce?
After all, it’s just figuring out what to do with the house so you don’t end up in foreclosure, who has custody of the kids, how custody works, who pays child support, who pays spousal support, how to divide that 401(k) you’ve been working forever on putting every last dime into, and what to do about your spouse’s car lease in your name.
You can’t help but wonder if maybe it is better to meet with a lawyer when you want to, when it is convenient, and when you have time to shop to find the best lawyer for you. CONTACT US
You can protect yourself with a lawyer now.
Imagine this again: That complaint comes from your spouse’s lawyer. But, instead of scrambling to figure out which $25 book on divorces to buy and read, you just call your lawyer.
A lawyer you’ve already spoken to. A lawyer whose office you visited. A lawyer you have a signed agreement with that promises the lawyer will help you with all of this. A lawyer you were already getting organized with to file your own divorce. All of a sudden that complaint from your spouse’s lawyer isn’t so bad.
Or, instead, imagine this: You never even have a chance to get served with that divorce complaint at work at all - because you and your lawyer just filed the complaint to get the process started.
That’s how The Fogelman Law Firm can help.
Our firm works on divorce, dissolution, custody, and support issues. We work on these matters just about every day. We read and we research. And we do it because we want to do our best for you.
We can answer your questions, so you aren’t so unsteady. We can prepare your divorce filings, so they are filed right. We can help explain divorces, so you become comfortable with the process. We can educate you on how Ohio handles property division, so you can make educated decisions on settlement or trial. We can show you what courts consider when deciding custody and support issues, so you have something concrete to base your decisions on. We can help you try to negotiate a resolution in a process-driven and educated way so that you can feel comfortable that you made the best decision possible during settlement negotiations. We can try your case, so you don’t have to worry about the Rules of Evidence, the Rules of Civil Procedure, the local rules, and all the other rules and laws that apply in divorce cases. We can help you from start to finish – and even after that if disputes arise down the road. Are you feeling any better?
So, yes, we can help.
We can manage the case so that you can move on to the other things. Like figuring out where you want to live, how you want to save for your future, and all the other things you were so busy with before the divorce process got started. Things you are familiar with and know how to do. CONTACT US
We can help you control this.
We can help you control your fees – with hourly fee agreements or fee caps / fixed fees (just contact us to discuss options on your particular case), scheduled billing so you know when payments are due, and routine billing so that you don’t receive some huge and unexpected invoice for the entire case at the very end with a payment due in 30 days. And you control the invoices anytime you need to see them.
We can help control the information – we can maintain the relevant documents you provide us, we can conduct discovery to secure relevant documents and information from your spouse, and we can organize the file in a way that makes it easier to understand. And you control the file anytime you want to see it.
We can help control the necessary knowledge – we can educate you on relevant law, we can provide copies of statutes or cases that describe the various issues the judge will likely consider in your case, we can help you understand how the law applies to your specific case, and we can help you understand the possible outcomes from a trial. And you control the knowledge at all times by having access to your lawyer to ask all the questions you need answered.
We can help you control the negotiation strategy – we can help you design a negotiation strategy, we can attend settlement conferences with you, and we can help remind you to stick to the plan when the pressure gets high. And you control the final decision in any settlement, never one of our lawyers.
We can help control file access – we can provide various methods of communication, we can manage the file organization in a way that meets your needs, and we can provide access to your case file when you need it. Then, you control your file in a way that meets your needs.
We can help control trial preparation – we can guide you on trial strategy, organize exhibits, and identify required testimony and expert witness usage. And you control the amount of trial preparation you want yourself to put into this.
Our only concern is you.
We do everything we can to help you achieve the result you want. We do this by working with you, educating you, informing you, and listening to you. We help you maintain some control over your life despite this immensely scary and, maybe, unfortunate divorce.
We can show you where to go from here. We can remove the mystery. We can help you through the process. And, we can continue to help after the divorce or dissolution process is over. CONTACT US
Where do I go from here? That’s the question in your mind now, isn’t it? You reviewed countless websites, blogs, and books. You had long talks with people you know who have gone through a divorce. But you are still wondering: Where do I go from here?
If you made it to this point, you might believe it is time to retain a lawyer for your coming divorce.
Are you ready to talk to an experienced divorce attorney to learn what needs to happen next? If so, get in touch with us now. You can reach us at 513-443-8850 or email us at [email protected] to schedule a free consultation at one of our convenient offices near most Ohio courthouses in greater Cincinnati. CONTACT US
Where do I go from here?
You know what is probably going to happen next: A divorce is being filed.
You know that either you are going to file it or your spouse is going to file it. Either way, it’s happening soon; probably really soon.
You are served with a divorce complaint.
If your spouse files the divorce first, the divorce complaint will be filed in a county’s domestic relations court. It will likely arrive by mail or personal delivery - possibly even from the county sheriff - at your home or your office.
You feel unsteady.
The complaint throws you off balance. You feel unsteady. You were expecting this; but when it actually happens, it sure doesn’t feel like you were expecting this.
You feel unsteady, unsure, and uncertain. You feel like you don’t know what is going to happen next. You have a hard time sleeping at night because you keep thinking about all the “what ifs…” The only thing you know for sure is that your mind is going in a lot of directions at once.
First, you think about things before the courtroom. You are thinking about your kids, your 401(k), your life. You are wondering how you can ever live by yourself; or maybe, just where you can live. You are thinking about what everyone else is going to think. You are thinking about what will happen during holidays, vacations, and summer breaks with the kids.
Next, you start thinking about court. Who can file a divorce? Are there rules that judges use to make decisions? Can we do this in private or does the whole world see our married life?
Then, you start thinking about what will be taken from you. Will you lose your house? Will you lose your retirement? Will you have to take on all of the debt? Will you pay spousal support and child support? Will your spouse pay you? Should anyone be paying?
And, finally, you start thinking about life after the divorce. When can you date? Should you? Can you change insurance coverage? Can you appoint new beneficiaries?
You don’t know enough about this process. You feel unsteady and it scares you. You want someone to help you figure out where you go from here because all of the websites and rumors from well-meaning friends only make this process more confusing.
Where do you go from here?
You are a confident person. You can handle anything life throws your way. It’s the way you have always been.
If you just knew a little more about divorces, you would not feel quite so unsteady. You just need some information to get started.
You need to decide whether to go this alone or “lawyer up.”
You could handle this divorce on your own.
You want to handle this on your own. You hate sharing details about your personal life with some lawyer you just found on the internet.
Plus, couldn’t hiring your own lawyer make things worse? What if your lawyer expects you to fight instead of settling for what your spouse offers?
And, aren’t good lawyers expensive? You don’t want to spend your hard-earned money on a lawyer.
And finding a good one takes so much work. It seems like all you see are lawyers offering $495 divorces on bus stops or stories from your friends about the tens of thousands that their lawyer cost.
You’re smart and you’re pretty sure you can figure this out if you just find one more good book on divorces. You wonder how tough can it be to figure out a divorce?
After all, it’s just figuring out what to do with the house so you don’t end up in foreclosure, who has custody of the kids, how custody works, who pays child support, who pays spousal support, how to divide that 401(k) you’ve been working forever on putting every last dime into, and what to do about your spouse’s car lease in your name.
You can’t help but wonder if maybe it is better to meet with a lawyer when you want to, when it is convenient, and when you have time to shop to find the best lawyer for you. CONTACT US
You can protect yourself with a lawyer now.
Imagine this again: That complaint comes from your spouse’s lawyer. But, instead of scrambling to figure out which $25 book on divorces to buy and read, you just call your lawyer.
A lawyer you’ve already spoken to. A lawyer whose office you visited. A lawyer you have a signed agreement with that promises the lawyer will help you with all of this. A lawyer you were already getting organized with to file your own divorce. All of a sudden that complaint from your spouse’s lawyer isn’t so bad.
Or, instead, imagine this: You never even have a chance to get served with that divorce complaint at work at all - because you and your lawyer just filed the complaint to get the process started.
That’s how The Fogelman Law Firm can help.
Our firm works on divorce, dissolution, custody, and support issues. We work on these matters just about every day. We read and we research. And we do it because we want to do our best for you.
We can answer your questions, so you aren’t so unsteady. We can prepare your divorce filings, so they are filed right. We can help explain divorces, so you become comfortable with the process. We can educate you on how Ohio handles property division, so you can make educated decisions on settlement or trial. We can show you what courts consider when deciding custody and support issues, so you have something concrete to base your decisions on. We can help you try to negotiate a resolution in a process-driven and educated way so that you can feel comfortable that you made the best decision possible during settlement negotiations. We can try your case, so you don’t have to worry about the Rules of Evidence, the Rules of Civil Procedure, the local rules, and all the other rules and laws that apply in divorce cases. We can help you from start to finish – and even after that if disputes arise down the road. Are you feeling any better?
So, yes, we can help.
We can manage the case so that you can move on to the other things. Like figuring out where you want to live, how you want to save for your future, and all the other things you were so busy with before the divorce process got started. Things you are familiar with and know how to do. CONTACT US
We can help you control this.
We can help you control your fees – with hourly fee agreements or fee caps / fixed fees (just contact us to discuss options on your particular case), scheduled billing so you know when payments are due, and routine billing so that you don’t receive some huge and unexpected invoice for the entire case at the very end with a payment due in 30 days. And you control the invoices anytime you need to see them.
We can help control the information – we can maintain the relevant documents you provide us, we can conduct discovery to secure relevant documents and information from your spouse, and we can organize the file in a way that makes it easier to understand. And you control the file anytime you want to see it.
We can help control the necessary knowledge – we can educate you on relevant law, we can provide copies of statutes or cases that describe the various issues the judge will likely consider in your case, we can help you understand how the law applies to your specific case, and we can help you understand the possible outcomes from a trial. And you control the knowledge at all times by having access to your lawyer to ask all the questions you need answered.
We can help you control the negotiation strategy – we can help you design a negotiation strategy, we can attend settlement conferences with you, and we can help remind you to stick to the plan when the pressure gets high. And you control the final decision in any settlement, never one of our lawyers.
We can help control file access – we can provide various methods of communication, we can manage the file organization in a way that meets your needs, and we can provide access to your case file when you need it. Then, you control your file in a way that meets your needs.
We can help control trial preparation – we can guide you on trial strategy, organize exhibits, and identify required testimony and expert witness usage. And you control the amount of trial preparation you want yourself to put into this.
Our only concern is you.
We do everything we can to help you achieve the result you want. We do this by working with you, educating you, informing you, and listening to you. We help you maintain some control over your life despite this immensely scary and, maybe, unfortunate divorce.
We can show you where to go from here. We can remove the mystery. We can help you through the process. And, we can continue to help after the divorce or dissolution process is over. CONTACT US
The Fogelman Law Firm can help you forget the fear.
Are you ready to talk to an experienced divorce attorney to learn what needs to happen next? If so, get in touch with us now. You can reach us at 513-443-8850 or email us at [email protected] to schedule a free consultation at one of our convenient offices near most Ohio courthouses in greater Cincinnati.
Are you ready to talk to an experienced divorce attorney to learn what needs to happen next? If so, get in touch with us now. You can reach us at 513-443-8850 or email us at [email protected] to schedule a free consultation at one of our convenient offices near most Ohio courthouses in greater Cincinnati.
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